Children teeth are precious and need tender care.
A child’s early dental experiences form their lifetime approach to dental hygiene and care. Routine dental check-ups and good oral hygiene from an early age helps to eliminate fear of dentists and establish good dental routine throughout their lives.
Ensure you Child’s oral health for life
Good oral hygiene + regular dental check-up good oral health. Early childhood caries is a bacterial disease adversely affecting many children’s health and includes baby bottle tooth decay nursing caries, rampant caries and sipper cup caries. Managing plaque from an early age helps to eliminate oral disease. Dental infections cause Rheumatic fever and heart disease. Preventive care can save the children from these devitalizing conditions.
Experience the difference with our holistic approach towards our patients.
Our Commitment As A Partner In Dental Care
As a part of preventive care commitment we establish rapport between parents, children and our team to overcome the initial nervousness and apprehensiveness of dental clinic and provide a pleasant and comfortable environment.
This helps the child to understand the importance of practicing regular oral care and regular dental check-ups which are recommended as early as 2 years of age.
The following is advised preventive treatment for children
Flouride varnish applications/APF gel application on the teeth every 6 months.
In the picture above you can see that the area between 2 adjoining teeth called as interdental area or the contact area which cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush.
Naturally, food debris and bacteria/ bacterial plaque in this area cannot be removed. These bacteria secrete acids which destroy the enamel and cause dental cavities. With APF Gel/Flouride varnish application the fluoride present in the APF Gel/Flouride varnish application combines with the calcium of the teeth to form a hard protective layer of enamel which resists cavity formation. It takes only 15 minutes for this procedure and needs to be repeated only every six months.
Pit and fissure sealent to protect newly erupted permanent and premolars.
As we all know that the most important teeth which help in chewing food are the molars or grinders which are present in the back area of your mouth.
In the images above we can see that the Molars/Grinders are not flat! They have elevations called Cusps and depressions/ grooves called as pits and fissures. The upper and lower teeth have an interlocking mechanism like a jig-saw which help in proper chewing of food.
Very often in young children these Pits and fissures are very narrow and cannot be cleaned by a tooth brush which gives bacteria a very good chance to cause cavities.
Pit and fissure sealants are special resin materials used to fill these narrow grooves, to make them shallow and easy to clean with a tooth brush.